Haukur and Lilja - Opening

Produced by EP productions

Haukur and Lilja are on their way to a party. She doesn't know what dress to wear, she wants Haukur to decide. Time passes and the party waits while Lilja tries with feeble strength to overcome the fear that has overwhelmed her. Is she coming too early? Is she going to give a speech? Will she sit down with the right people? And when she leaves, should she say goodbye or just go? And will anyone care that she's gone? We get to know Haukur and Lilja and their inner life and relationship while they get ready.

The play, by the award winning author Elísabet Jökulsdóttir, premiered in Ásmundarsalur art gallery in April 2021 and is the first play ever staged in the gallery. The work received 6 nominations for the Icelandic Theater Awards, of which one was awarded: Edda Björg Eyjólfsdóttir as actress of the year in the leading role.

Production: EP
Author: Elísabet Kristín Jökulsdóttir
Director: María Reyndal
Cast: Edda Björg Eyjólfsdóttir & Sveinn Ólafur Gunnarsson
Costumes and Scenography: María Theodóra Ólafsdóttir
Light design: Ólafur Ágúst Stefánsson
Music: Stefán Magnússon
Musicians: Stefán Magnússon & Þorvaldur Þór Þorvaldsson
Technician: Þóroddur Ingvarsson
Hair and makeup: Rakel Ásgeirsdóttir
Photography: Gunnlöð Jóna Rúnarsdóttir
Production team: Edda Björg Eyjólfsdóttir & Davíð Freyr Þórunnarson


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