
 Adventures of all sizes lurk in the fog.
Tað er trolsligt at ganga i mjørka.

Created and produced by Selur Theater Company in collaboration with Reykjavík City Theatre.

Mjorki is an Icelandic/Faroese theater production for children that blurs the boundaries between science and mythology. The play revolves around the natural phenomenon of fog, which is, after all, not much more than a swarm of tiny water droplets; a cloud resting on the ground.

Fog scientists Hulda and Karlsson are on location with their equipment, in search of an extremely rare type of fog. Their mission proves to be a complicated one – the fog is full of secrets and mixed in with fun facts about this fascinating weather phenomenon, a world of adventures and myths opens up on stage.

Mjorki premiered in Reykjavík City Theatre, Iceland  on March 26th, 2022 and in Norðurlandahúsið Torshavn, The Faroe Islands October 16th and at both occasions was received well.

Director: Aðalbjörg Árnadóttir
Cast: Gunnvá Zachariasen (Faroe Islands),  Hilmir Jensson and Natalía E. Arnórsdóttir (Iceland)
Costumes and Scenography: Brynja Björnsdóttir
Music: Gunnar Karel Másson
Light design: Ólafur Ágúst Stefánsson
Dramaturg: Salka Guðmundsdóttir
Producer: Davíð Freyr Þórunnarson
All photos by Owen Fiene

Mjorki is a captivating, charming and educational performance for ages 3 and up and is available for touring. For available touring periods, dossier and more information, contact producer: Davíð Freyr Þórunnarson



